Enter stage right, the ISTE conference.
I enjoy lots of conferences from the perspective of both presenter and learner, but there is something special about ISTE. Yes, the keynotes and sessions can be informative and inspiring. Yes, the workshops provide some great takeaways. Yes, you can connect with members of your PLN in person to create lasting memories. Yes, you can even expand your PLN with new contacts. Yes, you can feel like a kid in a candy store in the exhibit hall. Yes, you can get a rush from delivering a presentation that others find helpful. Yes, yes, and yes. But for me, honestly, ISTE is special because I get to bring teachers from my district with me. Some of them have never even attended a conference. Hands down, my biggest thrill comes from seeing the excitement in their eyes, witnessing them connect with others, watching them present, and learning about the fires that get lit under them. That is exactly the recharge I need!
Here is the Leyden group that will be attending ISTE 2014 and a few of the places you can find them. I hope some of you that are reading this and attending the conference will get a chance to connect with them.
The Group:
- Mike Fumagalli (@mfumagalliELHS) - Science teacher
- Maura Gavin (@MauraGavin) - Social Studies teacher
- Marisa Kapinos (@KapinosELHS) - Science teacher
- Michelle Marchese (@MsMarchese1)- English teacher
- Justin McCabe - Special Education teacher (hopeful that a Twitter account is in the near future)
- Stephanie Zeppetello (@SZeppetello) - Math teacher
- Todd Veltman (@leydenateam) - Instructional Technology Coach
- Mikkel Storaasli (@LeydenASCI) - Asst. Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction
- Jason Markey (@JasonMMarkey) - East Leyden Principal
- Anita Huffman (@MsAHuffman) - New East Leyden Assistant Principal starting July 1
- Me, Bryan Weinert (@LeydenTechy) - Director of Technology
The Presentations:
- Student empowerment, choice and voice: Authentic learning, making and leadership
Poster session by Anita Huffman
Sunday, June 20, 8:00-10:00 am
GWCC Murphy Ballroom Galleria, Table 29 - Principal leadership for digital age schools
Listen and Learn Panel including Jason Markey
Monday, June 30, 10:45-11:45 am
GWCC B303 - Writing in the Cloud: Best Practices for Student Feedback/Virtual Writing Conferences
Google Playground Presentation by Jason Markey and Michelle Marchese
Monday, June 30, 2:00-2:30 pm
GWCC Building A, Level 3 (near Room A313) - Stage B - Teacher Dashboard: The Missing Piece to Our 1:1 Puzzle
Booth Presentation by Bryan Weinert and TBD
Monday, June 30, 2:30-3:00 pm
Exhibit Hall booth #3014 - Using Google Apps to implement Next GSS in 1:1 environment
Poster session by Mike Fumagalli
Monday, June 30, 4:00-6:00 pm
GWCC Murphy Ballroom Galleria, Table 20